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Data Leakage Case #7, last login user 본문

포렌식/Leakage Case

Data Leakage Case #7, last login user

Great king 2019. 10. 11. 20:34

data leakage case #7, last logon user

https://www.cfreds.nist.gov/data_leakage_case/data-leakage-case.html #7. Who was the last user to logon into PC? #3 참고. 다음의 레지스트리 경로에 마지막으로 로그온한 유저 정보가 있다. HKLM\Software..


7) Who was the last user to logon into PC?


다음의 레지스트리 경로에 마지막으로 로그온한 유저 정보가 있다.



LastLoggedOnUser: informant


출처: https://www.cfreds.nist.gov/data_leakage_case/data-leakage-case.html


CFReDS - Data Leakage Case

Data Leakage Case The purpose of this work is to learn various types of data leakage, and practice its investigation techniques. Scenario Overview ‘Iaman Informant’ was working as a manager of the technology development division at a famous international c

